Is a Plant-Based Diet Right for Me?

This is a hot topic these days, right? We have been seeing and hearing about plant based diets on social media, TV, magazines, cocktail parties, at the gym, etc. So what are the benefits of a plant based diet? Is it really all it’s cracked up to be? We sure think that it is! Let’s jump in and get right to the “meat” (haha) of the benefits of a plant based diet.

What is a plant based diet?

A plant based diet is one that emphasizes and increases the intake of plants and plant products such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes. A plant based diet is one that prioritizes intake of foods from plants. This may look different to each individual following a plant based diet. Types of plant based diets include, but are not limited to, veganism (complete avoidance of all animal products), vegetarianism (avoidance of all meat products and byproducts), lacto-ovo vegetarianism (including dairy and eggs, but avoiding meat, fish and poultry), pescatarianism (includes fish but no other meat or poultry) and flexitarianism (includes a small amount of meat, but places a high emphasis on plant products).

Typically, following a plant based diet means increasing the intake of minimally processed plant foods and reducing the intake of packaged, processed or ready-prepared foods. Going plant based does not necessarily mean that you have to cook everything yourself all the time, but it may change what or how often you do cook.

The Benefits of Going Plant Based

Weight Control

Those who follow a plant based diet approach for their intake have been shown to have more stable weight control over time. Due to the nutritional makeup of plant based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, they typically have a higher amount of fiber in them which helps keep you fuller for longer.

Having a diet rich in plant based foods also typically results in a lower overall caloric intake due to their high volume. the caloric density of plant based foods is typically lower than highly processed foods.

Those who have a higher intake of plant based foods also have been shown to have a greater food volume intake as well. The amount of plant based foods to be consumed in order to feel satiated may be higher in volume, while still lower in calories in comparison to it’s processed counterpart. This may mean that you can enjoy more plant based snacks for less calories than your average snacks.

Decreased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Heart health is a very important component to overall health. Think of all the things that our hearts need to do every day to keep us strong and healthy. Nutritional choices can impact heart health in many ways. Changing some aspects of your diet may help to improve heart health. With the nature of a plant based diet including higher amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and sometimes fish, risk for cardiovascular disease may decrease.

In comparison to more typical Western diets, plant based diets have a higher intake of unsaturated fats, less sodium, cholesterol, added sugar, refined carbohydrates, sweetened beverages and processed meats. These components contribute to poor cardiac health and can increase risk for cardiovascular disease such as heart attack and stroke.

Improved Heart Health: Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Blood Pressure

In comparison to animal based diets, plant based diets are linked to lowered blood pressure. This is due to a few different variables including but not limited to Vitamin C and Potassium intake along with polyphenol consumption. Reduction in blood pressure from a plant based diet approach was more pronounced in those with diagnosed high blood pressure (hypertension).

Vitamin C

Higher intake of Vitamin C or foods rich in Vitamin C have been shown to help lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in hypertensive patients. This is due to the effect that Vitamin C has on restoring endothelial function in patients with coronary artery disease. Sources of Vitamin C include red bell peppers, oranges, kiwis and broccoli.


Intake of Potassium from plant based foods may be helpful with lowering blood pressure due to it impact on aiding blood flow through tissues with less resistance. Potassium has a stimulatory effect on an enzyme called “sodium-potassium ATPase” which is an enzyme responsible for balancing out the concentration of Sodium and Potassium in our cells. Potassium stimulates this enzyme to hyper-polarize it and lower Calcium concentrations. This, in turn, helps to improve blood flow through blood vessels and generates less resistance in blood flow, thereby lowering blood pressure.


Polyphenols are a class of compounds found in plant foods. These compounds work indirectly as antioxidants in the body to help reduce and combat inflammation from free radicals. Studies have shown that a diet higher in polyphenol-rich foods has been linked to decreases in blood pressure. Although polyphenols are not direct antioxidants, they help maintain and support blood vessel linings and function to reduce blood pressure.

Increased intake of polyphenol-rich foods has also been shown in some studies to lower blood pressure relative to an increase in vasomotion (contraction and relaxation of vascular smooth muscle). Foods that were highlighted in the studies included tea, cocoa/chocolate and beetroot juice. Tea and cocoa/chocolate have an effect on blood pressure due to their catechin content (a type of polyphenol). Beetroot juice is shown to have an impact on decreasing blood pressure due to its impact on vasomodulation (changes in blood flow in the body).


When thinking about heart health, cholesterol may be one of the first lab values to look to. Cholesterol is a waxy substance made in our body by the liver. It helps to build cells, make vitamins and other hormones. The liver produces all the cholesterol we need; dietary cholesterol comes from animal products like meat, dairy products and eggs and has an impact on lab values of cholesterol. High cholesterol levels can put you at a higher risk for heart problems and/or stroke.

A plant based diet has been shown to reduce certain components of cholesterol lab values when compared to non-plant based diets.

When looking at cholesterol lab values, there are a few different types of cholesterol to consider. There is LDL (low density lipoprotein), HDL (high density lipoprotein) and TG (triglycerides). These three numbers affect the total cholesterol value. You may have heard LDL and HDL being referred to as “the bad cholesterol” and “the good cholesterol”, respectively.

LDL cholesterol is a recommended lab value to keep low to prevent buildup around the arterial walls. If there is too much buildup of LDL in the blood vessel walls, it can cause a narrowing of the arteries, subsequent high blood pressure or even heart issues and potential for a higher risk of stroke.

HDL (or “the good”) cholesterol serves to be a cardio-protective factor. This is a cholesterol lab value that shows cardiac benefits when it is higher. HDL helps heart health by carrying away any extra LDL particles from the arteries and back to the liver.

A plant based diet has been shown to help reduce levels of total cholesterol and reduce LDL cholesterol. These numbers tend to decrease when following a plant based diet due to the nutritional composition of a plant based diet. Plant base diets are typically higher in unsaturated fatty acids in comparison to omnivorous (plant and animal) diets. Plant based diets are typically lower in saturated fats, cholesterol and total fat as well. Studies have shown that a diet reduced in fat leads to lower absorption rates of fat and dietary cholesterol, therefore leading to decreased levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.

Decreased Risk of Certain Types of Cancers

The choice to follow a plant based diet may be different for everyone, but for some, it may come from a place of trying to reduce cancer risk. A plant based diet may be helpful for lowering your risk of developing certain types of cancers due to their reduced or eliminated intake of meat and animal products. Having a diet high in plant based foods can help to reduce the amount of processed meats in the diet, increase intake of phytochemicals and increase intake of fiber and micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

Processed Meat Intake

Having a diet high in processed meat may increase your risk for certain types of cancers like colon and esophageal. This is due to the chemical preservatives typically found in meat items such as deli meats, hot dogs and bacon. Choosing to have plant based sources of protein instead of animal products can help to reduce the intake of satruated fats and help reduce your risk of certain types of cancers.

While no one diet will guarantee not developing cancer, having a diet higher in plant based foods can help lower your risk.

Increased Intake of Phytochemicals

Having a diet higher in plant based foods increases the intake of certain compounds called “phytochemicals”. Phytochemicals work in a somewhat similar fashion to polyphenols because polyphenols are a category of phytochemicals. Phytochemicals may help prevent chronic diseases, including cancer. Phytochemicals can be found in vegetables, fruits, beans, grains, nuts and seeds. With a varied plant based diet, your food choices can provide you with a multitude of different nutrients, including phytochemicals. Potential benefits of phytochemicals include strengthened immune system, reduced inflammation, hormonal regulation, decreased DNA damage and supported DNA repair. By increasing the amount of plant based foods in your diet, your intake of immune-supporting and cancer risk-reducing phytochemicals increases.

Vitamins, Minerals and Fiber

A varied plant based diet can help increase the amount of micronutrients (nutrients the body needs in small amounts), including vitamins and minerals. While these nutrients may not be required in high amounts, they have a major impact on overall health and well-being. Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) have an impact on enzyme production, hormones and growth and development. A deficiency in vitamins and minerals can leave the body at a higher risk for developing illness or leave the immune system more susceptible to getting sick. If the immune system is down, infection and disease risk can go up. By incorporating a balanced and varied plant based diet, you can ensure your immune system is getting the support it needs through adequate vitamin and mineral intake. 

A plant based diet can also increase your intake of fiber. A diet rich in unprocessed and whole fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help increase fiber intake. This may help reduce cancer risk. Higher fiber intake has a somewhat indirect connection to lowering cancer risk in that fiber helps keep you fuller for longer, reduces caloric intake, helps to stabilize weight and therefore potentially helps reduce cancer risk.

Lowered Risk of Diabetes

The prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes is continuing to increase worldwide. Genetics, environments, lifestyle and diet all play a role in the development or diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes. While some of those factors are not modifiable, some of them are. Most notably, the modifiable factors include diet and lifestyle. Studies have suggested that following a plant based diet pattern can help with the prevention and management of Type 2 Diabetes. 

Insulin Resistance

Dietary choices are a major contributor to insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas to help lower blood sugar in the body. Insulin works in a similar manner to a key opening a door to let someone inside. Blood sugar (glucose) travels around in the bloodstream and insulin is the key to getting the glucose inside the cell. In Type 2 Diabetes, the body’s cells may not be as sensitive to the insulin being made, thus keeping the glucose in the bloodstream and depriving the cells of the energy it needs to survive. 

A diet high in saturated fats, added sugars, refined carbohydrates, fast foods and calorie-dense foods are thought to have a large influence on the development of Type 2 Diabetes. A plant based diet high in whole, unprocessed foods, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes has been found to be protective against diabetes. There are certain foods that have been shown to be more helpful in the prevention of Type 2 Diabetes such as root vegetables, leafy greens, blueberries, grapes and apples. All of these foods contain phytochemicals, fiber and are great sources of different vitamins and minerals.

By incorporating a variety of different plant based foods in the diet, the body’s ability to respond and be sensitive to insulin increases. With an increase or maintenance of insulin sensitivity, the body’s cells are better able to accept and utilize blood glucose (blood sugar) and take it out of the blood stream. 

How to Eat Plant Based in a Healthy Way

How do you go about eating a plant based diet? You don’t need to go full vegetarian or vegan (avoiding all animal products, even eggs and dairy) to get the best health benefits. The focus should be on eating more of the right plants, eliminating unhealthy foods, and moderating your intake of healthier animal products. For example, white rice could be part of a plant based diet, however, it really doesn’t provide any of the health perks. A good option would be a whole grain like quinoa, farro, or barley.

Below are ways of making your eating habits more plant-based:

  • Eat lots of vegetables – Fill your plate at lunch and dinner with at least half vegetables.
  • Change the way you think about meat – Use meat as a side dish rather than the main course. Choose lean, low fat (or healthy fat) types of meat such as white meat chicken or fish. 
  • Choose healthy fats – Opt for olive oil, olives, nuts and nut butters, and avocados for some increased unsaturated fat in your diet.
  • Cook vegetarian one night a week – Create your own meatless meal using beans, whole grains and vegetables. Don’t be afraid to mix and match! Check out this blog post to see how to pair side dishes to make a complete protein.
  • Add whole grains into your breakfast – Try oatmeal, quinoa, or barley and add some nuts or seeds and fruits.
  • Go for greens every day – Eat leafy greens every day such as spinach, kale, or collard greens. 
  • Eat fruit for dessert or snacks – Make sure you are enjoying fresh fruit in season every day! A sweet orange, juicy melon, or succulent mango can help satisfy that sweet tooth while providing loads of nutrition!

Is there some middle ground between the way I eat now and going plant based?

Yes! The concept of going plant based is that there is a higher intake of plant based foods in comparison to animal based products. Take a moment to think about your current eating patterns. Are they high in colorful fruits and vegetables? Are there many meals where you get fast food? What does your typical plate look like before sitting down to eat? What kinds of foods are in your cart at the grocery store?

If you feel that there is some room for more colors, plant based foods and whole grains in your day, start with one snack, meal or day and see how you feel. You may find that a small change can make all the difference.   

How do I know if going plant based is right for me?

There may be different feelings surrounding why people go plant based and truth be told, it’s always going to be different for each person what they choose to do. If you are not sure if going plant based is right for you, try it out! See what you think. Try some new sources of protein like edamame, beans or tempeh. Or you could even just try changing the amount of different foods on your plate and see how you feel (hint: like making meat a side dish to your meal rather than the focus). Try out making one night a week “meatless” and experiment. 

Trying plant based is the first place to start. You don’t necessarily need to eliminate or significantly reduce all animal products in your diet, but play around with what your definition of plant based is. To go plant based simply means there is a higher emphasis on plant based foods in the diet more than anything else. 

If you are still not sure if plant based is for you, meet with one of our Registered Dietitians today to get some questions answered and find guidance on if this is a good fit for you!

The nutrition experts at Anderson’s Nutrition understand the plant based diet and can provide nutrition counseling, education and behavior modification techniques to get you on your way to healthier eating! We have an easy-to-use meal planner that includes a plant based option, making cooking a breeze. 

If you’d like to learn more about a plant based diet, set an appointment with one of our dietitians at Anderson’s Nutrition.

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